6'8" #3 wt. Titan™ Rod

Small Creeks, Ponds
Small Fish
Small Trout, Panfish

3.3 oz/94 grams
10 year warranty

Our shortest & lightest rod - perfect for small to medium sized Colorado, Idaho, Montana freshwater streams, for trout and other small panfish species. Its 6 foot profile allows you to navigate tight brush & maintain ultimate casting accuracy.
Lovely rod, casts beautifully and farther than you would think. Ideal for those who don't want to break the bank but want to enjoy weekend fly fishing trips in the mountains.
A delightful little rod, fine on very small streams, and I have used it on larger streams but found that I needed a longer and/or bigger rod to do the job. Great fun to have a large trout on it, but I don’t like to stress my fish as I am totally catch and release and a larger rod brings the fish in quicker. As with virtually all the rods I over-line this rod and use a #4 line.
8' #3/4 wt. Titan™ Rod

Medium Streams, Ponds, Lakes
Small Fish
Medium Trout, Panfish
3.9 oz/111 grams
10 year warranty

The big brother of the 6'8"3wt., this rod's 8 foot length allows anglers to cast further, deal with complex currents, and obtain greater drift. This rod is most at home on small to medium streams and is wonderful for delicate dry fly presentations on smaller to mid-sized streams. Suitable for all trout species with a bias towards smaller trout and panfish.
Top users enjoy this rod's smooth casting and enjoyable delicacy.
Great rod! Good again for smaller streams.
ADG titanium fly rods are truly a fly rod that has been designed for the serious fly fisherman, if you want to feel ultimate control and extreme power in a rod so light that you can fish all day the choice is simple, any fly fisher who is looking for the highest quality fly rod that will out perform all expectations of even the most seasoned fly fishing angler look no further. ADG titanium fly rods, try them once and you will be hooked for life! I know I am!
Jim Siarakas - Australia

9' #5/6 wt., Titan™ Rod

Best Selling Rod
Streams, Lakes
Medium Fish
All Trouts, Bass, Bluegill
4.2 oz/119 grams
10 year warranty

For your versatile, all-around, must-have rod in your collection, the 9' 5/6 wt. is a crowd pleaser. Enjoy this rod on streams, wide rivers, and lakes across the world. Has the delicacy to control drifts but power to reach the furthest river banks. Designed to be THE all-purpose trout rod for light presentations, dry flies, nymphing, and streamer fishing. Versatile enough to entice other pan fish such as blue gills and bass.
This rod is our best-selling rod since the company's inception!
I first met David in January or February of 2003 and purchased from him my first two rods, the #5-6 and the #8-9. Then I booked a trip to NZ in April of that year, taking my son, age 25, and so I called up David and had him send me a second #5 for his use. I use this rod more than any other and almost always keep two of them along with me, dry fly for one and nymph (or streamer) for the other. I have fished with this in fresh water all over the world, including all over North America, in the Himalayas, in many countries in Europe, including England, France and Austria. Great rod. I mostly use a #6 line with this rod, but sometimes, especially with streamers, use a #7. It is a little light for salt water, so I don’t think I have ever used it there. This I think would be the go to rod, the perfect rod for virtually all NZ fresh water fishing.
7'4" #7/8 wt. Titan™ Rod

Medium Streams, Lakes, Light Saltwater
Freshwater & Saltwater
Medium Fish
Bull Trout, Large Bass, Bone Fish, Red Fish, Carp
4.6 oz/130 grams
10 year warranty

A close but more powerful cousin to the 7'6" 6/7 wt., this rod is designed for the ultimate close-range fights with aggressive fish (think bull trout, large bass, bone fish), when more firepower is needed. Its heavy weight makes it suitable for saltwater fishing.
Similar to 7’6” #6/7, but stronger, thus another option for brushy streams and also for salt water.

I have been fishing ADG rods for about 10 years. I have the #3, #5, #7 and #8 wt. rods, my favorite being the #5 wt., which is perfect for brown trout fishing and it handles big fish very well. I caught a 78cm big fat brown trout on this rod this autumn. When I am fishing for monster brown trout, the #5 wt. rod is perfect - it is smooth but very powerful, you are able to play monstrous trout well. The rod also delivers very accurate and delicate cast which is very necessary when you are fishing for stickleback hunting brown trout. They are very spooky in a very shallow water and you have only one cast, so you better make it good.
Þórarinn Blöndal - Iceland
9'#7/8 wt., Titan™ Rod

Best Selling Rod
Streams, Lakes. Light Saltwater
Freshwater & Saltwater
Medium Fish
All Trouts, Sea Trout, Schoolie Bass, Carp
4.8 oz/136 grams
10 year warranty

Another best seller and big brother of the 9' 5/6 wt., the 9' 7/8 wt. has the strength to battle larger freshwater species like bull trout yet has the versatility to capture smaller saltwater species like red fish. Great for trout fishing with streamers and smaller salt water fish like stripped bass, red fish, sea trout, and schoolies.
Perfect for the white knuckled angler who wants more power. Ideal in Alaskan rivers.
I really love this rod. I got it late, but I find that it casts wonderfully with my Bruce Chard #8 line. I have used it a lot in salt water, and some in fresh water. It was my go to rod on my two trips on Alaska’s Kanektok River where we were catching good sized rainbow, dollies, grayling and occasional salmon, a little small for the salmon. This I think would be a little large for NZ fresh water. I usually use a #9 Bruce Chard line on this rod, but sometimes use an intermediate line with it.
9' #8/9 wt., Titan™ Rod

Best Selling Rod
Large Streams, Lakes, Ocean

Saltwater (freshwater duality)
Large Fish

Salmon, Bone Fish, Striped Bass, Carp
5.1 oz/145 grams
10 year warranty

Another best seller and widely known as our all-purpose "salmon rod" and go-to salt water rod for fishing adventures worldwide. Cast this heavy weight rod through formidable winds and tough conditions with stunning accuracy. When you feel the nibble, this rod does not disappoint in the fight with its marvelous durability & strength.
This is your rod for salmon, anadromous fish, most smaller salt water fish like large striped bass and false albacore.
I probably use this rod more than any other after the #5. I use it for Atlantic salmon and also for mahseer in India, and other larger fresh water species, but mostly I use it in all sorts of salt water environments. It is great for bone fish, for striped bass, all other medium sized salt water species. I use a #10 Bruce Chard line on it for dry fly (or close to surface) fishing and an intermediate for salt water, though on rare occasions I also use a sinking line. On Dec. 1, 2013, a friend from South Africa with whom I was fishing was using this rod when he hooked a giant trevalley in the Andaman Islands in the Indian Ocean. He was a superb angler, and though I feared the rod would break, he played the fish masterfully and was able to land the fish to the boat. We weighed the fish at 21 pounds. Whoopee! Rod came though without a break. BUT I really don’t recommend this rod for such a large and aggressive fish. On the other hand, I have caught large fresh water species on this rod, including a 26 pound Atlantic salmon. But fresh water species are somehow less stressing on a rod than salt.
9' #9/10 wt., Titan™ Rod

Large Streams, Lakes, Ocean
Saltwater (freshwater duality)

Large Fish
Striped Bass, Large Red Fish, False Albacore, Permit, Carp
5.3 oz/150 grams
10 year warranty

The elder cousin of the 9' 8/9 wt., watch this saltwater rod 9/10 wt. cut through the winds of the Bahamas, Honduras, or Baja Mexico with ease. This rod was built to wrestle medium saltwater gamefish like striped bass, larger red fish, false albacore, and permit. Also great for larger trout with streamers.
I use this second most in salt water, and use it with intermediate or sinking lines or Bruce Chard #10 floating line. It is, I think, too small for tarpon, but handles many sizable species. I first got it in 2004 when I went to Harkers Island NC for false albacore and found it to be the most effective rod for that purpose. I have used it extensively in salt water.

I have been a big fan of ADG since around 2003 or 2004 ? Owning 13 plus rods of theirs ought to speak for itself. They are super smooth, incredibly sensitive and unbelievably durable. They are one of my go-to rods especially when teaching new fly-fishers.
Although I own several of almost each model, my favorites are the 9/10 for New England saltwater, the 5/6 for general fishing of all freshwater species, the 3/4 and the original 6/7 brush rod for small brooks. Today's market is saturated with fly rods. All of the major rod companies change their models every few years. If you don't want the hassle of constantly having your favorite fly rod discontinued, pick up an ADG, their rod and technology has transcended time- you won't need or care for the latest and greatest anymore because you will have it - ADG Titan !
9' #11/12 wt., Titan™ Rod

Large Streams, Lakes, Ocean
Saltwater (freshwater duality)
Large Fish

Tarpon, Giant Trevally, Large Tuna, Mackerel, Smaller Bill Fish, Carp
5.6 oz/159 grams
10 year warranty

The grandfather and most powerful rod in the ADG Titan Series, the 11/12 wt. is our Tarpon rod. This rod is capable of providing a world-class experience in fighting giant trevally, large tuna, mackerel, and smaller bill fish.
Whether you're battling in balmy Key West winds, tropical Costa Rica, or the exquisite Yucatan Peninsula, the 11/12 wt. is your best friend in saltwater gamefish endeavors.
I have used this rod extensively and it is a great rod! I can cast a #12 line so far with this rod, even I am impressed. I have used this rod a lot for tarpon and for giant trevalley, and other large SW species. For that type of fishing I think it is really great. I use Bruce Chard’s #12 floating line mostly, but sometimes also use various intermediate lines. Fabulous rod, but only for very large SW species.

In my world, fly fishing is a contact sport. You will not find me on some pristine western stream where the sky is big, the river is wide open. I enjoy fishing the brush, the thick stuff - where the water is skinny and the trout are wild. A place where the longer and lighter weight rods will make a fool of you. I also like to fish heavy water runs close to the banks with streamers. Place where you can hardly stand and very often get baptized. There are also areas where heavy cover surrounds you and longer rods with backbone are at a disadvantage.
I purchased an ADG #6 wt. Bushwhacker in 2003 after seeing it demonstrated by Joe Humphreys at a New Jersey Fly Fishing show. It was the best all around purchase I have ever made for this type of fishing. The fact that this rod has lasted this long considering the beating it has taken is a testimony to the product.
Don't let the line weight fool you. This rod will handle #5 wt. as well as sinking lines, It is strong enough to handle tough river smallmouth and it is highly accurate and sensitive enough for 5" brookies in choked boulder streams where you have to shoot the distance with minimum effort. Awesome rod on the bow and arrow cast!